Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blog 15--Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

I feel very fortunate to be born in a country that is free. As Americans, we have have the freedom to choose what kind of education we obtain, church to attend, household activities and many many more thing we don't even think about. In the book PERSEPOLIS by Marjane Satrapi, the story of a girl who grew up in Iran, she had no such freedoms. Even something as simple as having a party to celebrate the birth of a family member was against the law and something to be hidden. I can't imagine not having the freedom to have people over. Also, having wine in your house was illegal. Again, a choice that I feel should be individual not come from the government.
If you were caught do anything against the law, most likely, you would be killed. I feel that the girl in this story was very independent and went "against the grain" with most of what the government said, and all who stood for it. I agree with her parents decision to get her out of the country. It was the only way for her. She would have got herself killed. She was too independent for anyone to tell her how to live her life.
I thank God for what I have and where I live. It is sad that people in some other countries have it so hard.

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