Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blog 19--Freestyle

I chose to do this freestyle blog on a response to the document Film in the week 7 folder. This document was written by Nancy Knowles. I found it to be very eye-opening. I never really thought of a film/movie to be a piece of art before now. But that is truly what it is. A movie feels like real life in the way that it seems to flow seamlessly from one scene to the next. So, sometimes I forget that I'm only watching a movie. One of the parts of this paper that really stuck with me is the fact that scenes aren't shot in order most of the time. I knew this but never really broke down in my head what that means. It means that the actor/actress has to recall their exact feeling back even though there has been a break in time. Their wardrobe, make-up and hair and scene has to be exactly the same as the scene before. When reading through the list of things that go on during the making of a film I realized that there are hundreds of factors the go into every scene.
I think it is easy for me to judge actors and actresses as having an easy job, but I don't really think that is true. I couldn't do what they do. When all things are considered I think they have quite difficult jobs. The making of a film truly is an art form. If you have not read this piece by Knowles, you should.

1 comment:

  1. It would be hard to replicate the exact emotions and espressions from scene to scene let alone donig so without doing them in order.
